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More than two escorts

More than two escorts

For those who love adventure, they might have had the chance to have a duo escorts. This might seem like the height of all pleasure and yet, there is another level which few have dared to venture, having more than two escorts. This might seem foreign yet exciting to you and you may wonder what this entails and how to go about it. Look no further, because we can share a guide to what you can expect when you book more than two escorts. Having more than two escorts gives you the chance to truly enjoy the pleasure the ladies bring for a truly memorable night.

Here are some reasons why you should enjoy the company of more than two escorts
More than two escorts

Triple or quadruple the fun

This is the most common reason which everyone who has had the pleasure of being with two escorts will say. Having one exquisite escort is enough to make any man go insane, having two is incredible yet having three or four escorts is an experience of a lifetime. You will have more of everything, more beautiful ladies, more sexy bodies awaiting your touch, more pairs of beautiful bosoms to enjoy and more importantly, you can enjoy the pleasure of all the women pleasing y

perfect body

ou with their bodies. Imagine two women using their experience to please you. making you tingle. It is a sensory explosion which is sure to take you straight to heaven.


So if you are looking for a truly unique and adventurous time, if you want to do something wild and experience the ultimate height of pleasure then be sure to book more than two escorts from La Bella Affaire

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